MALIN + GOETZ dog shampoo (and Labradoodle Grooming Tips)

This shampoo is like doggy spa treatment you can do at home. I was gifted this incredible dog shampoo directly from MALIN + GOETZ (M+G), and could not be happier! Our 6 month old Chocolate Labradoodle has a super curly, wavy coat that tangles and mats very easily.

I believe that is due to the fact that she is of course part poodle (which is where her curly-ish hair comes from), and also the Labrador part of her makes her hair a bit longer and softer.

This combination hair is going to be a big challenge! We have decided to wait for a little bit until her coat develops a bit more before we get her groomed for the first time, just so her coat can fully develop, which I have read will happen around 9 months. 

We are learning very quickly that she is going to need a good brushing nearly every day to keep the deadlocks away. I was so happy to be able to use this dog shampoo on her recently, and was very happy with the results. The shampoo is very concentrated, so while the other shampoo I have used on her takes several palm-fulls, this M+G dog shampoo required WAY less than I even used! It lathered amazingly well, and smells like a subtly grapefruit scent. 

Good for all dog breeds. If this works for her hair, it will hopefully work for your fur baby!!

description from their website 

“The cobblers children always go bare foot.” So yes, it’s true – as doyens of cleansing, we have been decidedly negligent in giving too few baths to our beloved hounds. But we are tossing irony away like an unwanted flea, and are very proud to produce this long needed dog shampoo. With our rescued pug, Mr. Greenberg in mind, we have synthesized natural botanicals with hydrating amino acids to gently cleanse the dirtiest of dirty dogs. Mildly foaming, our dog shampoo is formulated with subtle neroli and appropriate for dogs with sensitive skin. Rinses free without drying, stripping or irritating. Promotes healthy coat and shine.

select ingredients

Glycerin and neroli extract, appropriate for dogs with sensitive skin. I love that their pet shampoo contains such considered ingredients, much like the rest of their "people products".

She gets all crazy and wind after bath time, and rolls around on her back. So, I put a towel down and hoped for the best! 

Below, you will see Porter's beautiful curly fur coat after she dried a bit. I made sure to brush her with a wide tooth comb while she was in the shower/bath, and it worked very well. This prevented all sorts of knots and tangles after the bath, which I was so happy about. I love how fluffy and curly she was after using the Malin + Goetz dog shampoo!!

Behind The Scenes...

Ever since we have been here in Florida for vacation, with palm trees in our yard, Porter has taken a real liking to coconuts. She will do just about anything for them. She loves trying to rip at the fibers, and will eat the middle parts (if we can ever get to them). In order for her to behave for these photos, I bribed her with a coconut. The rest was history :)

This post contains affiliate Share-A-Sale links from MALIN + GOETZ, which allows me to get a small percentage of sales. Thank you for supporting the brand that I love to help promote through my photograph and posts!