My Favorite Guacamole Recipe

Everyone has their own favorite way of making guacamole. I'd love to have a big group of people over, and have everyone make their own recipe for a Guacamole Tasting Party. I think it would go over super well :) My absolute favorite place to buy avocados is a cute market attached to El Paisano (our favorite Mexican restaurant in Carbondale). They always have the best avocados, and I have actually been seeing TONS of avocados in stores lately. I assume that it's nearing the end of the season, but what a better excuse to eat a dish comprised mainly of heart-healthy avocados!


2 avocados 

2 Tbsp (or way more) chopped cilantro (chop as small as possible)

2-3 Tbsp chopped red onion

5-7 small colorful cherry tomatoes, chopped into 1/8 ths

1-2 tsp salt (or more as desired)

juice from 1/2 - 1 fresh lime


1.) Carefully cut avocado in half lengthwise, and remove pit. Remove avocado from skin with spoon, and place into a medium mixing bowl.

2.) Smash avocado with spoon until it is smooth with a few pieces of avocado still left.

3.) Add in all other ingredients, and then use spoon to combine everything together evenly. 

That's it! Serve with tortilla chips or Red Hot Blues chips and enjoy! This is a very healthy snack or meal idea, and I hope you love it.