St. Germain Margarita Cocktail Recipe

I grabbed this little bottle of St. Germain a little while back, and finally cracked it open over the weekend. Before making it taste tested the Elderflower Liqueur, and it tasted amazing! Compared to other liqueurs I've had, this one was extremely smooth and the floral taste was not overpowering. It's super well-balanced and could definitely just be enjoyed by itself, even over ice.

But, I wanted to make an actual cocktail with it, so we found one! 

I was able to use my adorable, vintage coupe glass that I received when we were in Florida last year, helping Bobby's family move, in Plant City, FL. Coupe glasses are ridiculously fun to drink out of, if you've never done it, you should :)


2 parts St. Germain, chilled

1 part tequila, chilled

Dash of lime juice, until you get your desired flavor

Mix all ingredients together in your coupe glass, and enjoy! Optionally garnish with a lime. Enjoy!